cracked phone screens

lately I've noticed a lot of people with cracked phone screens, myself included. The difference between me and all the other people is my phone is about a year and a half old, while other people's phones are about a month old if that. I really don't understand how people can be so careless with their phone. I have a friend that said he's had 60 DIFFERENT PHONES. Its actually sickening how someone can have that many phones because they broken them or wanted a new one. I've only had 3 different phones in my life and my current phone is the only one with a cracked screen. These phones aren't cheap either. my phone was upwards of 700 dollars and other people have phones even more expensive than that. Not to mention too that a new screen for a phone is anywhere from 70-200 dollars.


  1. SIXTY? Yipes! I'd love to hear more. What do you love about your phone? What would you improve if you could?


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