vehicle parts

A few days ago, the window regulator broke on my Jeep. Of course that was the day it rained a bunch and as a lot of people know water isn't duct tape's friend. I proceeded to call the dodge dealership to get a new one, but instead of having the small 10 cent piece I need to get to fix it, I had to buy the whole window regulator, which is $200. I instead looked online and found a better version of it for $50. I looked on youtube on how to fix it after I ordered the new part, and found that this was a common problem with my vehicle and that this happens a lot. Most people have come to the conclusion that Jeep made them like this because it was more cost effective to get fixing the problem than to build it the right way. Ain't that messed up?


  1. Noice! The internet wins again! I'm glad you found what you needed, Kaleb. And as for that theory -- there are books and books about it. See "planned obsolescence."


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